Tag Archives: book talk

Untitledtown – Meet Environmentalist Farmer Tantoh!

Co-authors Baptiste Paul and Miranda Paul will be joined by environmental hero “Farmer” Tantoh Nforba, grassroots activist from Cameroon, Africa for a special school-day Untitledtown presentation! Join the world-traveling trio at the Central Branch of the Brown County Library for their morning or afternoon presentation entitled, “Growing a Movement” in which attendees will get to hear the story behind the book and ask their own questions about how to start a project of their own and grow it to be successful!

This special author visit with the co-authors and subject of their new book I AM FARMER: Growing an Environmental Movement in Cameroon, is sponsored by Untitledtown – Green Bay’s premiere book and literary festival. The event is free and open to the public, however large school groups are required to register with a RSVP and number attending to the Brown County Library Central Branch Children’s Department.

This program is appropriate for all ages 5 and older. Books will be available for purchase and autographing after each session. Call ahead to pre-order a book and skip the line! Reader’s Loft: 920-406-0200.

Happy Earth Day 2019! Remember, every day is earth day.