11 Fun Facts About Miranda Paul
- I have super-large tonsils, and got Strep throat so often as a child that the doctor told me I’d have to get them removed if I contracted Strep once more. I never got it again after that!
- My favorite color is blue.
- If you search YouTube, you’ll find a video of me reading a poem while sitting in a live crocodile pit.
- I have a cat named Dog.
- I once owned a pair of skinks as pets. (Yes, skinks, not skunks.)
- My husband and I love fixing or repurposing items other people don’t want. We’ve gotten a free 50” TV and once made over $1,000 selling stuff people threw out.
- My favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip.
- When I lived in the Gambia, I learned to speak some Mandinka and Wolof. My husband and his family speak Creole (patois). My kids have gone to a school where they took Spanish every day. Our family has taken in nine exchange students. Our house is full of languages!
- My penmanship can be very neat, but my office can be very messy…
- If I’m wearing socks, they probably have holes.
- My old studio/office was called my secret Underground Lair, and it really was underground (in a walled-off corner of my basement). Mwah, ha, ha, ha! Now I write in one of two “birding” rooms where there are cardinals, bluejays, red-bellied woodpeckers, and house finches watching me work!