Tag Archives: author event

Virtual School Visit with The Pauls – Boswell Book Company

meetWant your students to meet real, live authors? Let your classroom join in the fun! Miranda Paul and Baptiste Paul will offer a virtual storytime and Q&A plus author visit arranged by Boswell Book Company in Milwaukee, WI. The Pauls will be reading their new book, PEACE, and answering questions about how they research and make books.

To keep all students and staff safe online, free registration is required for this event. Please click here to register.

Autographed books will be available for all schools, students, or homeschoolers who order. Please visit the Boswell Book website for ordering with a discount. https://www.boswellbooks.com/book/9780735844490

Free teacher materials and resources to accompany the book PEACE and other titles are available at mirandapaul.com/for-teachers.