PEACE by Baptiste Paul & Miranda Paul
Illustrated by Estelí Meza
Peace is on purpose.
Peace is a choice.
Peace lets the smallest of us
have a voice.
Also available in Spanish and German.
March 2, 2021
Pre-order now (English) at Boswell || Amazon || B&N || Simon & Schuster || IndieBound || NorthSouth
Pre-order now (Español) at NorthSouth || Target || B&N || Simon & Schuster || Boswell
Advance copies available for educators and industry professionals via NetGalley. Please leave a review to help others discover this book.
“This book was so beautiful! Its message of peace and goodwill is something that all people should strive for. I would love to read this to my students.” —Deena A, Librarian
“A beautifully-illustrated book with an incredibly powerful message. My favorite line from the book: “Peace comes from giving far more than you take.” I also loved that the author’s note at the end of the book included a discussion on how a lack of peace can harm not only humans, but animals.” —NetGalley Reviewer
“This is a beautiful book, both in illustration and message. The bold colors depict peaceful images of a diverse set of children interacting with each other and animals in a way that supports the text on the page. The text itself is simple yet thought-provoking which would make this book a beneficial addition to any library, young or old. The illustrations will make conversations about peace with younger children easier to discuss, while the text made even this middle-aged reviewer stop and think. “Peace is a choice” is the last thought this books leaves the reader with, a thought that a younger child can understand but that an older reader will ponder. I will be eagerly looking forward to adding this book to my elementary school library.” —Katie D, Librarian
“First off, this is a gorgeously illustrated book. Every animal and child jumps off of the page at you. The colors are vibrant and the drawings are simple and sweet, yet also beautifully detailed. The message of the book is obviously trying to get children to understand about getting along with others as soon as they are old enough to understand. It empowers children by showing that even their small acts have consequences. It states simple things such as “”Peace means we talk to each other directly”, “Peace is on purpose. Peace is a choice. Peace lets the smallest of us have a voice.” “Peace can begin with a laugh and a wave, and grow into actions remarkably brave”. There are illustrations of children of many skin colors and abilities. The animals as well are very diverse, everything from pandas, zebras, elephants down to the smallest butterfly are beautifully drawn. This is a beautiful book to add to the library of any child over the age of 3 or 4. Just lovely!” —Bookseller review
Take a peek under the book jacket for a colorful surprise!
Peace by Baptiste Paul, Miranda Paul, and Estelí Meza from Let’s Talk Picture Books on Vimeo.