Latest Past Events

Book Expo America – New York

Javitz Center 655 W 34th St, New York

Author Miranda Paul will be signing copies of Blobfish Throws a Party and advance copies of her upcoming release, The Great Pasta Escape, at this year's Book Expo America! Stop by the little bee books booth (#1520) at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 1 to snag your autographed copies. To register for BEA, get your ticket online at:

Launch Party and School Visit – Lodi, WI

Lodi Elementary School 101 School Street, Lodi

Miranda Paul will celebrate her new book's birthday with students at Lodi Elementary School in Wisconsin! Children will be among the first to party along with Blobfish, the character in her new picture book, Blobfish Throws a Party. Miranda will do presentations to multiple classes throughout the day. School visits are not typically open to the public. Members of the media/news should call the school office for permission to visit or interview the speaker. For more information about Miranda's newest book, click here.

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