Latest Past Events

School Visit – Mineral Point Elementary, Mineral Point, WI

Mineral Point Elementary 611 Cothern St, Mineral Point

Authors Miranda Paul and Baptiste Paul will visit Mineral Point Elementary School for special author visits on April 20, 2020. At school visits, Miranda conducts presentations and/or writing workshops with students in preschool, elementary grades, and even middle and high schoolers. For more information about Miranda’s school visits, visit School visits are typically closed to the public unless the school hosts a specific community event. Members of the press/media are invited to attend with approval from the school. For more information, contact Micki Uppena at 608-987-0739 x 133.wi

NErDCampMI 2019 – Parma, MI

Western High School 1400 S Dearing Rd, Parma

Baptiste Paul and Miranda Paul are coming to NERDCAMP! For our FIRST TIME EVER! See you in Parma, Michigan on July 8-9, 2019. Miranda will be doing her "Create-a-Character" workshop on Day 1, and Baptiste Paul will do a panel along with author Minh Le. Then, they will do another session on Day 1 called "Around the World Jeopardy!" Don't miss it, or the evening signing session! On Day 2, They'll each be teaching at NerdCamp Junior. (For more info or tickets, check out the official NerdCamp MI Facebook event page here.)

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