Latest Past Events

School Visit – I Am Farmer Tour – Ironton/LaValle – Reedsburg, WI

Ironton LaValle School 109 River Street, LaValle

Co-authors Baptiste Paul and Miranda Paul will be joined by environmental hero “Farmer” Tantoh Nforba, grassroots activist from Cameroon, Africa for a day-long visit to Ironton-Lavalle School in Reedsburg, WI. Although author visits at schools are typically closed to the public, parents and/or members of the community and media may contact the school or district office to request permission to attend and/or interview the special guest speakers for a media appearance. For more information about this event, contact Mitzi Hisel directly at Advance copies of the book are available to reviewers and press/media covering the event. Please request your Read More

Author Presentation – Washington Island Art & Nature Center, WI

Art & Nature Center 1799 Main Rd. , Washington Island

Hop on the ferry to Washington Island and enjoy a presentation in a beautiful setting! On Wednesday, August 22, award-winning author Miranda Paul will present the story behind the book One Plastic Bag: Isatou Ceesay and the Recycling Women of the Gambia. Learn how one woman began a cooperative to clean up her village, protect animals and the environment, and build the economic capacity within her community. The presentation begins at 11:00 a.m. with an author signing and meet-and-greet to follow. Additional autographed books by Miranda Paul and Baptiste Paul will be available at Fair Isle Bookstore on Washington Island Read More

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