#SupportWNDB raises $40K in 4 days!

If you’ve read my diversity efforts page, you probably already know about We Need Diverse Books, an organization I volunteer for that is amplifying diverse stories and underrepresented authors in children’s literature.

I woke up this morning to see that more than $40,000 in donations have come in since it launched five days ago. It’s been amazing to see prominent authors, agents, and publishers come on board (John Green even made a video!).

If you haven’t checked it out, I hope you will! The campaign Indiegogo page is at http://igg.me/at/diversebooks

You can #SupportWNDB on Twitter or fill out a cue card and share it on Facebook or with your local school or library. If diversity—including (but not limited to) race, ethnicity, disabilities, gender, and more—is important to your family I encourage you to pass this info on!
